White Spot Advice Needed Please


New Member
Sep 11, 2006
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Shepshed, LEICS

I brought 5 new Neon tetra's last weekend along with Pink Kissing Gourami's. When we got home on Tuesday after work 2 neon's had died then a further one then we noticed that the 2 Kissing Gourami's have got white spot.

One of the neons at 1st didnt get his colour straight back and I understand that that is stress related. Also I know white spot it stress related.

We have treated the fish and they have had the last treatment today but the kissing gourami's have still got it and the Male Fighter has not got it but is looking very poorly and weak.

We have spoken to the fish place we went last weekend and explained this and said the white spot has only ocme out since we brought some of there fish and we are taking in a water sample later on today.

But do you think it could be there water? Or just the stress?

And I would have thought the treatment would have fixed the problem but it hasn't.

Your help would be great.

Thanks. :(
Yes I altered the temperature and went to the fish place and they provided me a really strong King British White spot treatment. This was last Saturday. They tested our water and evrything is spot on - they actually refunded us. So we have been doing the treatment accordingly (we also did a water change last Sunday before the treatment.) Since then we have now lost my brand new 2 kissing gourami's and now the shark today.

The ram is covered and the tetra's are now too.

So now I dont know what to do.

Obviously I will still do the water treatment. The lady at the fish place actually said to half the treatment dose as the we have a silver shark. But now i guess we can do the full dose.


Any help guys?
If there bad yes go in with the full dose, good luck.
I find that King British White Spot control is excellent, far better than Meth Blue etc.
Keep doing water changes too. The one time I had whitespot, I did water changes everyday. That way, you get the free floating spores out, which are eventually just going to come back and latch on the fish. Gravel cleaning is very good for that.

Good luck!
Won't the water changes get rid of or weaken the meds or do u do the water changes and add the meds again??? I'm confused, it doesnt take a lot...!

Keep doing water changes too. The one time I had whitespot, I did water changes everyday. That way, you get the free floating spores out, which are eventually just going to come back and latch on the fish. Gravel cleaning is very good for that.

Good luck!
If the tank temperature is at 30C the parasite's lifecycle should be about 3 days or so. Which specific treatment is it you have ? WS3 ?

I would suggest a large ~40% water change to "re-set" the meds then start with a new round of treatment. Do a good gravel vac at the same time. If you plan to change the medication it would be worth running carbon in the filter for 24 hours after the water change to get rid of the existing meds.

Medications reduce the available oxygen in the water, it's a good idea to adde extra oxygen during treatment. This can be either using an airstone or adjusting the flow from your filter so it breaks the surface and makes ripples. Either will be enough to add plenty of oxygen.

When I treated my tank it took about 10 days or so to completely clear up. The problem with the whitespot parasite is its lifecycle. As long as the parasite is attached to the fish or in cyst form in the gravel you can't touch it. Only during the free swimming part of it's lifecycle is it vulnerable. That is why you need to keep treating for 48 hours after all signs of the parasite have gone.

Once all visible signs have gone and your treatment has ended, start lowering the tank temperature slowly to it's normal level. Then do a large water change and a good gravel vac to get rid of the dead parasites.

*edit* Just noticed this is an older post, sorry. Hope you got it resolved successfully :)

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