White Specs On The Glass


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
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Help! I have a 1 month old 24g nano. My water is specs are perfect and I change 10% of the water every week. I just came back from a 3 day weekend vacation to find thousands of small white specs on my aquarium glass. The specs are alive and smaller than a flea. I tried to scape it off with my magnet algae scapper but they just moved out of the way. What are they and are they dangerous? I recently started feeding my fish live brine shrimp. Could they be contaminated? How do I eliminate this pest without harming the corals, fish, and invertebrates?
They are most likely copepods and are GOOD for your tank. Take some pix and show us. There ARE some copepods that aren't reefsafe..most are tho'. They provide food for your fish. SH

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