White skirt tetras

White skirts were one of my first fish and I've been keeping them for 3 years now and they are by far the hardiest fish there is. I have yet to see any of these die or even catch a disease for that matter. I have a school of 7 white skirts, then 3 blackskirts in my 35g tank. I love them, they rule. Remember to get the undyed ones if you want a healthier fish. ;)
I have pictures of my tetra school if you wanna see them.

Edit: I see you posted the article i created, I feel stupid replying now lol.
I'd love to see the pix! So since I have only 2 whiteskirts, I should get 3 more? Can they be blackskirts or do they have to be whiteskirts?
Thanks to all!!

EDIT: Well, I pm'd you too about these since you were the one that wrote the article that was pinned. I love the fish! They're beautiful!
Well in that link those pics are my tetras lol. Ummm I'll see if i have some different photos. I would try to keep them in groups of their own colours, but non the less they will still school together just not as tight.
Here we go. Please excuse the water stains.

Yes(they're shcooling in that picture), but its like with cories. They will prefer the closer related to be with, but they wont fight with the blackskirts no. Just saying you would have to get say 3-4 black skirts, but if you were to get more white skirts you could add less(1-3 more) and they'll be happier. Also, your tank won't be as crowded.

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