White Patches


Fish Herder
Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hi everyone

Iv just got home from work and noticed that one of my Julii Corys has some white patches on his body.
Half his face has gone white and he has a patch on both sides.

It doesnt look like fungus, it kinda looks like the colour has jus dissappeared from the patchy area.
The cory is also very fat. I noticed him/her getting large afew weeks ago and didnt really think nothing of it.
Anyway, all my other corys and fish seem perfectly fine, all fish are eating/acting fine, no pinecone effect from what i can see and no new fish have been added for a long time. Also my water stats are spot on
0 Nitrite o Ammonia.
Iv tried to take photos but the little #29### wouldnt stay still for very long so sorry for the bad quailty photos.
Thank you for any input or advice in advance :good:


Looks like fungus to me. I would quarantine him before it spreads to any other fish and treat him with fungus medicine. Is he lethargic? I'm sure you would find some info on google, Good Luck! :good:
Thanx for the advice :good:
im going to begin my attack with Waterlifes Protozin as thats very good with fungle infections.
If that fails then my second attack shall be with Waterlifes Myxazin as thats good for Ulcers, Body Rot and general bacterial infections.
I shall let you know how i get on :rolleyes:

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