White Patches On Sailfin Molly - Erratic Behavior


New Member
Sep 13, 2015
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I own a beautiful black male sailfin molly who's become sick. He has large patches (not small like http://www.fishlore.com/fishdictionary/i.htm#ich)ofdiscoloured white scales appearing on his body. The patches don't appears to be "fuzzy" like something fungal. One of these can be seen in the image below near the base of the dorsal fin & there's a couple more patches this size randomly placed.
(this is where the image would be but the website isn't allowing me)
The appearance of these patches also coincide with some very erratic behavior. Most of the time he's floating vertically (head upward) near the surface right next to the heater. He also has been swimming with head higher than tail typically, and sometimes swims laying on his side. His tail moves much more than previously like he's having to keep his balance... pectoral fins as well. He hasn't opened his dorsal fin since this all began.

I have a 45 gallon that's been established for ~1year. 50% water changes once per week or so. Filter changes once every couple months. I don't have any water testing information as I bought a testing kit online but it won't arrive until Monday... water's always been fine when tested at the local shop, though. No other fish are sick.

Please help me identify / cure muh fishy.



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Yes, parameters are crucial for mollies.  The GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness or Alkalinity) and pH of your source water (and tank water if different) are the parameters we need to know, though you could also mention temperature as this needs to be warm.  And then the nitrogen levels (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate).
This is only a guess, but I am suspecting either inappropriate parameters, or high nitrogen.  Shimmying (which is possibly the erratic behaviour, or swim bladder issues) and white patches are frequently caused by either of these.  The numbers will tell us more.
The wife did the testing so I don't have the hard numbers but she said everything was absolutely normal... just PH a touch higher than normal but that's better for mollies anyways. I keep the tank at 77 degrees but have increased it to 82 degrees a few days ago.
He's getting worse! Now he's just laying there all sad like. I noted he gills are quite white on the inside--something I don't remember. I have a couple updated images below.
As all the water conditions checked out I've been treating basically everything... I typically wouldn't treat an ailment I don't know, but the situation is pretty dire. I used API anti fungal and bacterial (melaflix) as well as an anti-parasite... hoping one of them takes.
Please help if you can at all... seems there isn't much time.


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Can only help if you give readings.you will need to know if you have hard or soft water also.
Very true...without the actual numbers for all parameters and conditions I previously mentioned, any ofus would be stumbling in the dark trying to diagnose the problem.
The GH and KH of your tap water should be available from the municipal water supplier, likely on their website.  This is absolutely crucial to know.  And when you (or your wife) perform tests, always give the numbers; what seems "normal" to you or her may be quite the opposite to some of us.  A doctor cannot adequately prescribe treatment without knowing the problem; neither can any of us.
Adding treatments for this or that can make things much worse, not only for the "sick" fish but the healthy ones too.  Substances entering the aquarium water end up inside the fish.  When the substance added will actually help, this is offset; but if not, fish can be killed.
I am still suspecting water parameters are the issue as i previously noted, but without the numbers for GH, pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, none of us can assist further.

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