White Patches (mould?) On Tail


New Member
Aug 2, 2008
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im not too sure if its the cause but yesterday i fed my fish a earth worm i found in the garden and now the betta has white patches (mould by the looks of it) on its tail.

has anyone else experienced this and is it easy to cure?

my tank has ALMOST rid itself of white spots (catfish still has it) and could this be related to white spots (ich).

i have shrimps in the tank so is it orite to add some water conditioner(looks like blue coloured salt)

thank you
You shouldn't feed your fish foreign foods like that. Can certainly bring disease into the tank.

By white patches do you mean like a fungus around the body? or is it just localized to the ends of the fins (with fins deteriorating)

If your tank still has Ich, there is probably all kinds of stuff going around, especially if it's a newly setup tank and the fish are stressed. Are you treating for Ich still? Ich will stay in a tank even after the fish stop having symptoms.

Your best bet is to get a broad spectrum treatment. I like to use Maracyn 1 and 2 for any bacterial or fungal infection. This also insure that no secondary infection happens. You can continue to treat for Ich in conjunction.

What is your tank size and stocking?

I dont have a clue about the shrimp. What sort of "water conditioner" are you talking about. If it's just to make tap water safe, you're fine.
Foreign food? All live foods are "foreign foods" then?

Risk is attached to all live foods but the benefits of feeding them outweigh the risks of feeding a purely synthetic diet. Earthworms themselves are very much underrated as a food item and are actually really good if allowed to purge themselves of soil first and then chopped into small pieces.

Any chance you have introduced anything else into the tank? Did you purge the worm of soil first or has he ingested this as well?
Just make sure the conditioners don't have traces of irons or metals (i believe) for the shrimp and you should be ok.
Foreign food? All live foods are "foreign foods" then?

Risk is attached to all live foods but the benefits of feeding them outweigh the risks of feeding a purely synthetic diet. Earthworms themselves are very much underrated as a food item and are actually really good if allowed to purge themselves of soil first and then chopped into small pieces.

Any chance you have introduced anything else into the tank? Did you purge the worm of soil first or has he ingested this as well?
foreign foods as in live food that you do not raise yourself. without properly identifying and preparing something you find in the garden, you run a much greater risk of bringing disease in.

I really don't see how that is a disagreeable statement.

There are many nutritious foods out there that are safer. Why risk it? All I was saying.
But you CAN raise earthworms yourself. Ours come from the compost bin. And all that goes in there is grass clippings ( we do not treat our lawn with anything ) veg peelings and other plant matter. It's chock full of worms which breed for most of the year, and the baby earthworms are best fed to fish when they are aywhere between 5 and 10 mm long. I feed one or two per week to my mothers betta and he goes beserk for them. All the other fish do as well. Bigger worms can be chopped up for larger fish. As long as you wash them first you should have no problem.

Unless th OP's garden/soil/grass/area the worm was taken from, was or has been treated with any sort of pesticide, weed killer , lawn food ect, then it's unlikely that the fungus or any illness came from the worm.


It would be more feasible to check the water parameters in your betta's tank with a liquid test kit and see if you have ANY levels of ammonia , nitrite ( both should be zero in a healthy mature tank ) or high levels of nitrate. These can indicate water quality problems which are one of the biggest causes of fish diseases like whitespot and fungus, which it sounds like your fish has.

You should set up a hospital tank for him and treat his disease in that , while in the main tank you can go about clearing up the whitespot and doing a few more water changes.

How big is your tank? Is it filtered and heated? and also, could you show a picture of your bettas tail so we can see what the white stuff looks like? We could help you identify it easier that way.

As for adding the water conditioner, if it is DECHLORINATOR ( look on the bottle ) then it should be fine. But if it say's anywhere on the container that the treatment contains copper, do not add it to your tank, as it will kill your shrimp. They are very intolerant of copper.

To treat your sick fish it's best to set up a hospital tank like I said, a big clear plastic tub with a sponge filter and small heater will be fine for that.

Sorry, realise my response came across a bit strong - it wasn't meant to. Just stressing that all live foods come from unknown sources in most instances i.e. I don't know where my tubifex or bloodworm are really sourced from to be honest even though bought from local fish shops. I don't think the shops really know either to be honest in most cases.

Only concern with earthworms would be if exposed to weedkiller, pesticides as correctly pointed out by honeythorn.

honeythorn, just to ask, what does your compost bin look like and how do you manage it? Ive been wanting one, but for now have been dumping all yard waste and kitchen scraps on the manure pile behind the barn, which eventualy gets spread on the fields.

Sorry, realise my response came across a bit strong - it wasn't meant to. Just stressing that all live foods come from unknown sources in most instances i.e. I don't know where my tubifex or bloodworm are really sourced from to be honest even though bought from local fish shops. I don't think the shops really know either to be honest in most cases.

Only concern with earthworms would be if exposed to weedkiller, pesticides as correctly pointed out by honeythorn.

fair enough. i see your point :good:

edit: lol i think we lost bzeng anyways..... oh well

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