White Lump?


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
Tank size: 28 litres
pH: 7.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5
kH: N/A
gH: N/A
tank temp: 27 celcius

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Was really 'down' a couple of days ago but perked up. When he was 'down' he was lying on the floor, not showing much interest in food and breathing a little heavily. No physical signs of a problem, other than the behaviour. Has perked up, but over the last day or so he's developed a lump on his side. His side is a little swollen and red, his scales are sticking up and he has a weird, white boil like lump. Almost exactly like a spot that you and I might get. He doesn't seem bothered and is swimming around fine and feeding well.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Once a week, 25-50%.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Some expired carbon in filter, dechlorinator (pond dechlorinator and stress coat). Some Interpet anti-white spot (for his tank mate, who had ich).

Tank inhabitants:

Two bettas, divided.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Some 'natural fern' plants. Added them since the symptoms, though.

Exposure to chemicals:


Digital photo (include if possible):

It sounds like fungus caused by an infection of an open injury.

The best thing to do is to set up a separate tank to treat the injured/infected fish with a good anti-fungal medication, whilts doing daily water changes. I would also reccomend Indian Almond Leaf.

Do youuse salt in the tank at all?

It doesn't look at all fungusy to me. That white stuff isn't fluffy/cottony/furry. It's a fleshy lump.

If you really think it's a fungus, I could try that, but I don't want to give him the wrong meds. No chance of setting up a spare tank. My isolation tank has a betta in it already and I don't have a spare heater to set a tank up in a bucket. He'll have to stay there with Sirius.

The only anti-fungal meds I have are API's Liquid Fungus Cure. Would that be OK?
It looks bacterial but need to check no parasites are involved.

Get a magifying glass and look under the scales to see if you can see any parasites.
Are the spots and lumps causing the scales to lift with the swelling. The lifting of the scales are they only in the lump area.
Does he look bloated.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing, or excess mucas, or darting.

Pink smooth spots can be also lymthocystis.
It looks bacterial but need to check no parasites are involved.

Get a magifying glass and look under the scales to see if you can see any parasites.
Are the spots and lumps causing the scales to lift with the swelling. The lifting of the scales are they only in the lump area.
Does he look bloated.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing, or excess mucas, or darting.

Pink smooth spots can be also lymthocystis.

I don't have a magnifying glass but I've looked really carefully and can't see anything. No idea where I would get a magnifying glass from, and he also won't stay still enough. That photo look me about 3 hours to get. I'll try, but can't rely on finding out that way.

The scales are only lifting in that area, I think because of the swelling. They are also pretty delicate and I've seen some flake off.

He doesn't really look bloated.

No signs of flicking, darting or rubbing, can't see any excess mucus.

The spots are as they are in the photo. A pale yellowy, pinky white.
Do the spots look waxy.Is the betta in the tank on it's own. No other fish in the tank.

I think all you can do is issolate and try a bacterial med.

If there no signs of flicking and rubbing or darting, it dosn't sound like a parasite involved.
Do the spots look waxy.Is the betta in the tank on it's own. No other fish in the tank.

I think all you can do is issolate and try a bacterial med.

If there no signs of flicking and rubbing or darting, it dosn't sound like a parasite involved.

Waxy? Sort of. Quite shiny looking.

He's in with another betta (divided, of course) and I don't have a way of isolating him as my hospital tank has another betta in it.

I need a more sensible isolation set up but that's not something I can sort now.

Bacterial meds I have are Myxazin and Interpet Anti-Internal Bacteria. I'm trying to get my hands on JBL Furanol. Know much about it?

Add anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

Furanol by jbl wipes the benefical bacteria out in the filter. So I would only use it in the main tank if you can kick start the tank after meds have finished with a mature sponge.

If no other tanks for mature sponges I would only use furanol in issolation.

Scroll down to furanol.

Add anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

Furanol by jbl wipes the benefical bacteria out in the filter. So I would only use it in the main tank if you can kick start the tank after meds have finished with a mature sponge.

If no other tanks for mature sponges I would only use furanol in issolation.

Scroll down to furanol.

Yeah, I heard it pretty much kills everything.

Thanks =)
It's a better med than interpet.

It just mean you would have to risk cycling the tank again.
It's a better med than interpet.

It just mean you would have to risk cycling the tank again.

I can remove the filter and keep it alive in another tank, and then do daily water changes and use an air-pump.

Do you know where I can get it from at a decent price?
That's fine as long as you have an airstone.

Not sure if i'm honest. Not sure if furanol by jbl been banned in the uk. As I found it hard to find a site that sold it.
That's fine as long as you have an airstone.

Not sure if i'm honest. Not sure if furanol by jbl been banned in the uk. As I found it hard to find a site that sold it.

Yeah, got an airstone. Found somewhere that sells it. Using the Interpet Anti-Internal Bacteria stuff.

It's looking more and more like lymphocysts if I am honest. The lump is getting bigger and becoming uneven, like a cluster of smaller lumps. He's still unbothered by it.
Not good then.

Here a link to lymthocystis to make sure.



Fish infected with Lymphocystis will present with clusters of whitish, berry-like growths on the skin and fins. These "clusters" may resemble small clutches of eggs or cauliflower (hence, it is sometimes called Cauliflower Disease). They will be clearly visible and may even become extremely large. This disease often affects the fins first.


Viral infection. The virus will eventually kill the fish if it is unable to mount a strong enough immune response as the virus rampages through the fish’s tissues, destroying its cells.


As with all viral infections, there is no suitable cure or efficacious treatment; however Quick Cure claims to be helpful. I have also heard of people who trim the fish's fins, followed by several baths in Malachite Green. Fortunately, this disease is uncommon and in some cases, infected fish are able to recover quickly without treatment.

Lymphocystis is highly infectious. When infected cells from the fish’s skin or fins burst the virus is spread throughout the aquarium and can remain contagious for periods of up to two months. Fish not showing symptoms should be removed from the aquarium and placed in quarantine, away from other fish, for at least 60 days. Note, remove uninfected fish, not the other way around because the aquarium has become contaminated. The infected aquarium should be emptied and thoroughly disinfected before returning any fish to it. Do not use soap to clean the aquarium.
The lump seems to have fallen off . . . he seems a bit freaked out.

He's in clean water and has antibacterial meds, so I'm just hoping for the best.

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