White Lump On Oranda


Fish Crazy
Feb 9, 2012
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hi everyone!!! yesterday i noticed my oranda had a white lump where his / her wen will be. today it is a lot smaller (almost a dent) and is a bit pinkish. can anyone help??? thanks.
Hey, cool your jets. You only waited 45 minutes ;) It just sounds like normal wen growth to me. Sometimes it can come in like little pimples but it soon calms down and looks just like the rest of it :)
thanks!!!! i was panicking because i've also got 2 pregnant variatus platys and a 2 week old platy fry in that tank. (the fry is in a fry net).
the lumps almost completely clear now but there are a few others - is that definitely wen growth Blinky000???
the lumps almost completely clear now but there are a few others - is that definitely wen growth Blinky000???

The fact they've gone clear sounds like perfectly normal, healthy wen growth. Here's a photo to reassure you: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=wen+growth&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=923&tbm=isch&tbnid=vTsNOqqkt3-s2M:&imgrefurl=http://www.fbas.co.uk/ASK3.html&docid=EKrPCAkHs0Jk5M&imgurl=http://www.fbas.co.uk/wen1.jpg&w=335&h=270&ei=XTJ0T4jxIcfB0QWK2fnvDw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=415&sig=107805264388237033402&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=162&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=94&ty=51
thanks so much Blinky!!! i was so worried about about poor Sweetie. she's already lived through the loss of 3 friends so i don't want her to die now!!!
(by the way, Sweetie's the oranda)
You're welcome ;) How recent were these friend losses? If you don't mind me asking, what is your setup like? Filter, how many gallons, how many fish etc :)
erm october to late november early december
7.91889 uk gallons (36 litres)
elite stingray 10 filter
and it was just Sweetie and the other orandas - to start just her, then we added Fishy Fishy, then she / he died and a few weeks and water changes later we got Greyla and Humphrey (they were all about 5cms long)
and then some time in late december we got 4 variatus platys, the little one got stuck in the gravel cleaner, we sawed the tube open but by the time we got him / her out she /he was too badley injured. :rip: (i now think he was a male because all the ones i have now are female and 2 are pregnant)
oh and we were always going to move them to a bigger tank when they grew out of there old one.
Ah, ok. Each goldfish will need about 10 gals per fish so putting more than one in a tank that size will cause a waste build up which could be enough to have killed the other ones. It's a great excuse to buy a new tank though ;) Also, it's not advised to put tropicals in with goldfish. Do you have a heater in there?
Ah, ok. Each goldfish will need about 10 gals per fish so putting more than one in a tank that size will cause a waste build up which could be enough to have killed the other ones. It's a great excuse to buy a new tank though ;) Also, it's not advised to put tropicals in with goldfish. Do you have a heater in there?
variatus platys are temperate (they can live inside without a heater) so no, there isnt a heater. (at least thats what pets at home said, and they all seem healthy, breeding away.).
i now have a 20 gal tank cycling in my bedroom where all my fish are going to move into (except the fry, till they grow up).

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