White Growth/mould Growing Inside External Filter Hose (ex1200)


Fish Crazy
May 30, 2009
Reaction score
East London
Hi all,

Wondering if anyone might know how to stop this white growth that is appearing inside my filter hoses.

I set up my new tetratec EX1200 filter 3 weeks ago and have had this problem twice now, first time round I came home to find soft white flakes had been sprayed all around my tank.

It has started growing in the hoses again.Any ideas how to get rid of?

I have a planted tank with yeast CO2 and dose macro and micro ferts,

It's a kind of algae that likes to grow on new rubber in tanks. It'll go away on it's own soon, and won't do any harm. Do you have any floss in your filter? A layer of that will help catch it in the meantime.
hi, i replaced the filterpad with some floss as I did a google search and someone on another forum recommended it. I purchased a roll of cheap filter floss from ebay a long way back so am using that.
Should I be cutting it to shape and using a 2 - 3 layers of it? That's what I have done

That's also what I do with my Juwel internal filter, still running it in parallel for a couple more months,

Yep, that'll be fine

It would be easier (and more efficient) to put the media from your old filter into the new one, rather than running the two in parallel.
cool thanks,

yep i transferred the old ceramic pieces in with the new ceramic rings, the new sponges are at least 4x the size so didn't bother moving those
You could always cut them up.

The big problem with running two filters in parallel, is that there isn't much spare ammonia around to encourage the growth of bacteria in the new filter, and you risk losing a lot of them when you remove the old filter.
Oh, have some space in new filter as I took out the carbon will shove the old sponges in its place


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