white fungus growing on cardinal tetra...


New Member
Aug 5, 2003
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well i know they are sensative to water conditions but am i supose to get put aquarium salt to heal it?

i have no seperate tank so i guess i have to use a container. cant put salt in my tank as i have a pleco and cories...

what do i do?
IMHO definitely don't put salt in a cardinal's tank - they are very intolerant of salt. Cottonwool fungus infections like you describe are very serious and you need to get some appropriate fish medicine for it. Given the situation, I think you'll have to treat the whole tank, although a hospital tank would be the ideal way to go.

I'd use the Interpet "Finrot and Fungus" treatment, but I'm not sure if you can get it.
arrgh...Alien your answering everything I want to ;) :D Ne way NEVER put salt in a cardinals tank they are intolerant of salt as are bottom dwellers ;) Yes you should treat in a hospital tank. However keep an eye on your communkity tank. If another fish develops fungi...means its spread. Then you should treat the whole tank. However cardinal tetras are hardy fish comapred to neon tetras and hopefully all goes well. ;) :p
Kossy said:
arrgh...Alien your answering everything I want to
Hey - I didn't realise it was a competition! ;)

Don't worry - I'll be busy tomorrow so I won't be online quite so much. Besides, my computer appears to be suffering from Windows Rot - iexplore keeps crashing, so I'll probably have to re-install Windows at the weekend.

Won't that be fun? :no:
:D Hey its not a competetion its just that we have diff times meaning im on like straight after you giving me hardly ne thing to write no probs though ;)
hi - just a note of caution! if you use interpret fin rot & fungus medicine for your fish BE CAREFUL when calculating the dose! we stuffed up & ended up anaesthetising our barbs for 4 days with the stuff (2 phenoxyethanol is its ingredient) the ingredient used to be used as a fish anaesthetic & it is very easy to overdose & kill your fish with this stuff. we were lucky (& a bit dumb i guess) but all our fish survived the episode- the barbs just had a big snooze for a few days. :)

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