White Fungal Growth On Bristlenose And Smaller Fish Desd


New Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Tank size:350 litre
kH:don't have test kit but LFS say hardness is low
gH:as kh
tank temp:24c

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):pair of Bosemani Rainbow one week ago. They were added last Saturday, male was dead on Tues morning. I took a sample of water to shop for testing, they said ph was low 6.2 and change from their pH of 7.2 had killed it.
I carried out my weekly water change after this and everything seemed okay.
Yesterday evening the bristlenose was showing a white fluffy growth on his sides, a patch approx 1 inch long x 1/2 inch wide, the edges of his fins also appeared to show it. I couldn,t get a photo as he shot to his cave.
I did a check on the other fish and a Rummynose and a Harlequin were missing. Ifound them both dead but with no obvious growth on them.
This morning I found another dead harlequin again with no obvious fungal growth.
All the other fish currently look okay, no fungus and they are swimming normally.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:weekly 20/25%

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:Tetraplant Plantamin

Tank inhabitants:After the above deaths Bristlenose, 2 x Bolivian Ram, 5 x Albino Cory, 6 x Harlequin Rasbora, Bosemani Rainbow, 5 x Rummynose Tetra, 2 x Hillstream Loach, 1 x Clown Loach. I am aware that stocking is not good but clown loach is only a temporary resident until my sons tank comes from ND Aquatics and he adds more. Hillstrems he bought without realising they prefer lower temps

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

The tank is an upgrade from my sons 180 litre that we had been looking after since he moved out last summer.
We transferred fish some plants, piece of bogwood and Eheim Pro II but used new gravel, rocks extra wood and plants. New tank is also running the Juwel internal.
This was all done 8 weeks ago. Corys and Rams were new fish added 6 and 3 weeks ago. Rainbows were added last week

I would appreciate your help on this
What is best way to treat the fungus? Bristlenose is my sons favourite fish so I don't want to lose it.

My LFS buffer with coral gravel as they say our hardness here in Lancahire is so low pH crashes are inevitable and the shock to the fish when this happens is often fatal to the fish. Is this likely to be connected to my current problem.

Thanks in advance
I honestly doubt that it's pH related. In my early days of fishkeeping (I live in Cornwall, so have very soft water like you do) I had tanks that crashed to as low as 5 without losing any fish.

You could put crushed coral either in your filter or mixed with the substrate for a buffer just in case.

In the meantime, most fungal medicicnes you can get from your LFS would do the job (I've never had a fish with fungus, so I can't recommend a specific product) and I'd do some extra, large water changes; we never know when there might be something we can't/don't test for that might be causing problems.

Best of luck, I can understand the BN being your son's favourite; I'm inordinately fond of mine too!

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