White Flecks On Black Mollies


New Member
Sep 2, 2007
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Hello all,we have recently added 2 black mollies to our tank about 1 week ago.They have developed white flecks on their bodies.Our tank stats are good, temp 25 degrees,and we also have 2 plecs,6 zebra danios,4 fan tailed guppies and 8 neon tetras.We have read that if this is white spot we should increase the tank temperature.If we do this will it affect the other fish?The spots looked like cotton wool at first but now look like salt grains.Any ideas?Many thanks
Whitespot looks like the fish have been sprinkled in salt.
Raise temp to 30, increase aeration as the high temp and med reduce 02 in the water.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Read med instructions carefully as sometimes you have to half dose with scaless fish.
Whitespot looks like the fish have been sprinkled in salt.
Raise temp to 30, increase aeration as the high temp and med reduce 02 in the water.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Read med instructions carefully as sometimes you have to half dose with scaless fish.

Hi wilder, cheers for that,but will turning up the temp affect the other fish??
lol, oh yeah, sorry. Yes, those fish will cope fine with the temp increase. Only do 1 dgree at a time, raise it very slowly so you don't cook them. x
You need to increase aeration then it will be fine, as bottom dwellers will find it hard otherwise.

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