White dots??

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Jul 19, 2004
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I checked on my fish today and I noticed two of them have this white like almost specks all over what can this be???

I'll try to take a picture in a minute.


i prsonally dont' see the white dots, but if you are seeing them it's most likely ich. in which case you'll want to raise the temperature, add aqarium salt and ich medication.

also be careful with the salt becuase if you have any scaleless fish they won't take it in too well. So reduce the amoutn if you do have any of those.

When you add ich medication be sure to take out the active carbon in yoru filter or it'll suck up all the medication again. Keep treating for a weke or two after the white spots are gone as they will reside on the bottom of the tank a part of their life cycle.
Oh no!

Ok well I'm going to do that right now!!

Thanks for the fast reply!!!

Take Care,

(yeah the pictures didn't come out to well.)
np, good luck with the treatment and give us posted :thumbs:

btw i forgot to mention that the temrpeature should sit at around 80f :)
cutecotton said:
np, good luck with the treatment and give us posted :thumbs:

btw i forgot to mention that the temrpeature should sit at around 80f :)
Ok yeah I was just about to ask that !

Take Care.
My Fish barely have any of that Ich visable on them today!!! yay! :D :cool:

Should I continue to keep treating once a day just for one more day to make sure it's gone and won't make a stronger comeback?

Follow instructions on med.
As a rule, treat at least 3days after last visible spot is gone.
Read this. ;)
reg2k2 said:
Follow instructions on med.
As a rule, treat at least 3days after last visible spot is gone.
Read this. ;)
Cool didn't see that thread..

I followed the instructions on medication but they didnt say when to stop...

Thanks for your help.
when i had an ich breakout i continued to use the medication for 3 more days, and then i stopped the meidcation and used the proper dosgae of salt for 1.5 weeks more :)

it never came back :p
I'm using this medicne I found at my local LFS called "QuICK Cure" Seems to be working good...

And I'm using some aquarium salt..

The Fish that has the worst of the Ich is swimming around the one that seems to not have it at all is staying in a corner at the top of the tank by the filter... doesn't move alot..

As far as I know, Quick-Cure is a 2-day treatmt...I wouldn't go further, unless someone else can advise it.

Hope things are going well.
reg2k2 said:
As far as I know, Quick-Cure is a 2-day treatmt...I wouldn't go further, unless someone else can advise it.

Hope things are going well.
Yes I called the company and they said I would be able to use it up to 72hours ...

The Ich has seem to go away but sometimes I still see the fish trying to rub up against the gravel and some rocks... not sure if this is normal or not after they have lost the Ich. One fish has gotten back all its color and another has still lost its colors because of stress..

Thanks for all your help.
Scratching *can* be a symptom of ich...but not necessarily. right now I'd keep a vigilant eye...look close for any recurring spots.

As for the stressed fish...is this the same one behind the filter?...Is he still there?
I see you've got africans, and I know there's always going to be a certain degree of stress in such a tank, but from your description, this guy sounds too stressed. Stress can be a precursor to disease, including ich. :/

Maybe take a browse thru the africans section on controlling aggression, compatiblity. ei. breaking the line of sight, making sure evbody's got enough space, separate territories...post for suggestions if you need to. :)

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