White Dots On Angelfish Fin


Mar 13, 2011
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Sweden/London, UK
A couple of weeks ago I started a post where I described that my angelfish had a large red lump at the root of the pectoral fin, but I was advised not to do anything. 
Today, I noticed that small white dots had been appearing on the bottom of the ventral and on the anal fins on the fish. 

I suspect fin rot, I may however be wrong. I changed the water yesterday, so water perimeters should be fine. Only change to the tank was new food, I started feeding pellets yesterday but the angelfish had stopped eating for about a week now, and just lays at the bottom of the tank, so he didn't eat any. 
Please do not tell me that this is normal. It's not normal for a fish to lay on the bottom and not eat, and have rotting finns. 
I would be helpful if you could point out what disease this is. I do not think it's ich, because the other fish seem fine and there are only 3 spots on the fins, not many. If you could tell me what medication he needs I would appreciate it much too. 
I do not have a hospital tank, but it's possible for me to put him in a bucket if the medication requires so. 
Personally, to me that looks like an early fin rot. Could be due to water conditions or a secondary effect of an existing condition stressing the fish, or just plain stress from any other reason, such as bullying or being moved around.
I'm with you on water changes helping. I'm a fan of large amounts of fresh water being good for most of these things.
Sorry, been busy at work. Melafix is essentially tea tree oil. Has some antibacterial properties and antifungal. If you've got some it very unlikely to hurt and may well help.
As I said, the thing with fin rot is to have a good long think about why, although occasionally it's just because you have a fish that was stressed by moving or aggression.
Otherwise, most of the antibacterial preps, particularly those that will attack gram negative and columnaris, as well as a salt treatment can all help. Do you have anything that you can use as a hospital tank? Keeps the medication costs low and means that you don't have to mess with anything in the filter, but remember to remove carbon and purigen from a filter before treatment.
I have a 60L, but no filter... I can possibly get a filter, but shouldn't the tank be cycled?
EDIT: Also, thank you for your help!
Personally I use a small air driven box filter with some media from the main filter. Bare bottomed and a few plastic plants. Gets around the cycling thing by using cycled media.
Alright thank you, I will try this. I will get the Melafix, hopefully he'll be better soon. 
Thanks a lot for your help. 

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