White Cones? Zoo Keeper Needs Help :)


New Member
Jul 31, 2013
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Yes, I am a zoo keeper and I dont know a lot about fish.
A part of my institution, which is not my area is having problems with one of their fish.
I told them I would try to help.
They told me its a cichlid in a communal 200 gallon pond.
Im sorry, I am not able to get the temperature or a pH etc.. right this second.
They are telling me its not "itchy" but these spots appeared...almost symmetrical and are white and coned in appearance. You can see by the pics.
Can anyone help? Ive looked online for pics and typed in everything I could think of nothing close.
I suggested isolation first and foremost till I could find out  and not sure what they have done thus far.
No, it's not ich (whitespot), it's hole in the head disease.

It can be cured, usually with antibiotics, but I'm in the UK, so I can't recommend any.

I'm sure one of our members from the US will be able to suggest something for you though
Are you sure it is Hole in the Head Fluttermoth ??? To my believe there will appear really holes / pinkish wounds in the fish's head and not really white spots. Dit some googling and didn't find these symptoms. I can be wrong though (And you could be right)
They dont look sorish.. Which is confusing me. I have been around fish somewhat but cant figure this one out.
It looks like it has a secondary fungal infection, but I'd have gone for hole in the head as the primary cause as well.
It's certainly not classical looking HITH, but I'm not sure what else it could be?
I think the treatment would be the same, in any case; either a heavy duty anti bacterial or antibiotics
Looks like HITH to me from a quick google search but, I don't know much about HITH.
Not an expert at all, but, Wikipedia says HITH disease can be caused by activated carbon in the filtration system. Perhaps removing the fish from the pond would be the first thing to do and keep it isolated somewhere without any carbon media - the carbon might be removing too many nutrients. 
The cone shaped protrusions aren't typical of that particular disease but perhaps Dr Rob is right with the secondary infection...  
Is it showing any other symptoms? Clamped fins? Not eating? Strange movements? Is it the only resident of the pond showing these spots??
There is NO carbon in the filtration system
The fish is acting normal
Hole in te head has nothing to do with carbon to my knwoledge . It's a one cel parasite Hexamita. I'm not an expert but this doesn't look that way. Could it be Lymfocystes maybe (viral desease : white spots without wounds).

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