White Clown Pleco Poo


Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
South Shields, UK
Hey guys n gals.

Can plecos have white poo, i cleaned the tank out earlier and came back a few hours later to find white poo all under the bogwood, and it definately has to be his because it looks just the same but white.

Info would be great.

Poo turns white when it decays, so it could just be old poo. If its fresh it could be due to stress.
Its definately fresh because i did a proper water change two days ago, i did a cleaning of the sand yesterday but filtered the water id took out back in, and did the same today because he poo's alot and looks messy on the sand. Nothing unusual in this procedure, i usually do this and hes fine, he isnt acting weird either.

Now i discovered this this white poo at like 6pm today but couldnt post sooner as i was heading out, and when i came back at 8.30pm there was some brown poo there too.

Was just curious as iv never encountered this whilst iv had him.

He eats the catfish pellets everyday, i feed the fish once a day, he usually stays on the bogwood most the daytime or in the coconut cave, i feed the fish cucumber every couple of days and he loves that, and an algae wafer twice a week which he loves.

Oh and my water stats are fine i tested three days ago and not a trace of anything. I have an ill albino cory cat but he seems to be getting better, im treating the tank with King British Fungus and Finrot or something.

Sorry for the long post, trying to give as much info as possible :)
Oh and my water stats are fine i tested three days ago and not a trace of anything. I have an ill albino cory cat but he seems to be getting better, im treating the tank with King British Fungus and Finrot or something.

Yeah could just be stress. As long as he/she is still eating and swimming around, then it should hopefully pass.
my 2 bristlenoses get white poo when ever i feed them Hakari algae wafers..

they both look fine , the poo looks normal apart from its colour , they have done this for some time now so doesn't bother me any more...
isn't normally white poo when they are cleaning there system out? not sure
Good info here. Based on this information im not too concerned about this anymore, thanks for the information.

Anyone confirm what kpintheshed says? Interesting
lol i thought everytime you poo'ed you were cleaning your system out!

white stringy poo can be a symptom of internal parasites, although my L191 used to get it after eating potato obviously
yeah if its stringy then that's a problem but with mines its just your normal type of pleco poo but just white lol
lol i thought everytime you poo'ed you were cleaning your system out!

white stringy poo can be a symptom of internal parasites, although my L191 used to get it after eating potato obviously

Could have just been trying to make chips :hyper:

Stringy poo can also mean constipation.

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