White Clouds

Brian Chang

New Member
May 2, 2005
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Im starting a ten gallon tank(20"by12"by10") and im thinking of white clouds and cherry barbs. But white clouds are good at lowere temperature. I've read that they can adapt to higher temperature. Could i keep six in with two cherry barbs?
White Cloud Mountain Minnows'' - Tanichthys albonubes
Found in mountain streams in China, White Clouds can be kept in unheated tanks (down to 55F). Some people advise against putting these fish in tropical tanks but I have found that they do fine in heated aquaria as well, as long as the temperature is not kept above the mid 70s. They can be fed any small food and they spawn often but fry will not be seen unless the parents are removed to another tank. White Clouds are brown with a red tail and a silvery white line down the side that shines in the light. They get to be 1 1/2" long.

I'm not the writer of this article.
My White Clouds and Cherry Barbs are fine together and my Temp is around about 26c/79f and there are fine so i would say there can adapt to higher temperature ( Depands on what u call Low Temp Tho -_- )
my mountains have been at 80f since i got them in june last year and they are doing fine.
arent barbs naturally nippy fish if not kept in large groups? maybe just the barbs would look good.
i belvie its mainly tiger barbs that do the ni[p and creat a bit of a bad rep. for most of teh rest?

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