white clouds minnows


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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:D hi i bought 6 white clouds earlier for £4 but i should have had 5 he just gave me 6 lol :p
anyway has anyone had any of them and could help me out and tell me things i need to know about them ? :kana: plz
There fairly hardy, prefer temps on the lower side, eat like pigs and look great when you haave a whole bunch of them together. I have about 20 of these and they are no trouble.
i have a few. great little fish alot like danios. good choice they will look nice in your tank.
I was going to breed them at one time but i never got round to it.
they are easy to sex as well, and breed.
HI can white clouds go in a community tank with 4 platy and 5 zebra danios and 4 tiger barbs
I've had them, there great little fish that add alot of colour to ur tank! :thumbs:
sunniesunn they can go with almost any freshwater fish thats why they are kwl and they can go in cold water with goldfish but i dont like goldfish that musch tropical fish are soooo much better
im not saying i hate goldfish its just that tropical fish are more colourful and can get more species.
does anyone know how to boost the breeding process of these little cuties because these are my first mountain minnows ive ever had ive got 3 males and 3 female ive put some floating leaves that had fell off my java fern into the minnow tank and i have got 2 plastic plants in the gravel which they hide under do i have to do anything else to boost the process?

because i dont have a clue about the breeding of these minnows. :dunno:

hope you can help :D
Is there a site I can go to to see more about them Im looking for more to put in and these good to put in
when i had gold fish i also kept white clouds with them and they bread like mad so i started with 6 and ended up with about 18 lol they a great little fish and as already mentioned they eat loads. :D
I have two white clouds that successfully moved from my old 5 gal. tank into the new 20 gal. I also have neon tetras, some greenlight tetras and a guppy. I had others, but have been having trouble controlling Nitrate levels (new tank, I added fish too quickly), so I lost a few.

I notice that over the course of a day or two, the white clouds will dramatically change colour, from pale almost transparent, to very dark, with markely noticeable red patches. Does anyone know what causes this? I have yet to really keep track, to see if it's light conditions, or something else.

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