White Cloud Mountin Minnos


New Member
Dec 23, 2006
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can enyone tell me eny info on this lovey little
plese i have 5 so eny help thank

ell :good:
Hi,I have had some for a while now.They are active and peaceful fish.They prefer the cooler temperatures but do fine in warmer waters.I find them easy to feed bcause they seem to take verything you put in the tank.They are a very hardy and will tolerate a wide range of conditions.Thats all i know lol.Hope this helps.
Possibly the hardiest fish i've had, i only have tow now though :( .
I started with 1, then added another 3. The first one died of old age a couple of months ago after i had him for about 4 years(and he survived some pretty awful stuff), and one died when it got a bit of pea stuck in its throat, RIP. I tried to get it out but its too difficult with such a small fish, heres the thread http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=163339&hl=.
Thats one thing to watch out for, they will eat anything even if its too big. I've seen one at the lfs i work in that died with a huge piece of plant in its mouth.
My current two seem very healthy and happy with my other fish, though one of them is clearly much older than the other. Thinking back...makes me want to get a few more...best wait till my extra external filter is set up though...
I just got a 29 gallon tank and would love to have 8 white clouds along with 8 pearl danios and 6 cory cats. I know that the white clouds like cooler water-would 76 degrees work?

Also, does this sound overstocked?

Not overstocked and sounds good, exept thats too cold for corydoras, despite some people saying they are 'cold water fish'. For all those fish around 22 degrees celcius would be great :good: .

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