White Cloud Mountain Minnows


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
west midlands,uk.
hi all,iv had 6 white clouds for 2 weeks now and aswell as feeding them flake & live food i was wondering if i should feed them veg and ifso what and how often?thanks. :) x
No, you can just feed them flakes and they'll be fine. I only feed flakes to my white clouds and don't bother with anything else at all. I have other fish that I feed live, frozen, veggies etc., so its not because of the hassle or expense, its just that the white clouds are perfectly happy and healthy with the flakes. They are hardy, easy fish to keep. The one mistake many people make with them is putting them in a tropical tank, which is too warm for them.
hi tammyliz,thanks for that,i was asking because most people talk about feeding there fish veggies & i wernt sure if i was suppose to feed the white clouds veg or not.they are in a small tank at the mo.as soon as its warm enough for my goldfish to go into the pond they will be going into my coldwater tank with my peppered corys,so the water wont be too warm for them.thanks for the info! :) x
hi tammyliz,thanks for that,i was asking because most people talk about feeding there fish veggies & i wernt sure if i was suppose to feed the white clouds veg or not.they are in a small tank at the mo.as soon as its warm enough for my goldfish to go into the pond they will be going into my coldwater tank with my peppered corys,so the water wont be too warm for them.thanks for the info! :) x


WCMM's are very hardy and will do well in a warmer tank, they will adapt to the temprature.
They are true sub tropical fish, and although they are very hardy little fish and will live in coldwater or tropical temps, its best to give them their own sub tropical tank if you can(temps between 19 and 23 degrees) :nod: .
They will do ok without veg, they will appreiciate veg based fish flakes though if you can get hold of them- my wcmm's chow them down :) .
my main coldwater tank temp naturaly stays at around 22 degrees C so once the goldies move into the pond i think the WCMM will settle in nicely with my peppered corys.the tank is 54L (60x30x30 cm approx),i will have my 4 peppered corys & 6 WCMM in there.will i be able to add any more WCMM or small fish or will i be over stocked?weekly water changes dont bother me cus i already have to do 2 or 3 a week at the mo cus of the goldies.thanks :) x
It will be fully stocked with the 4 cories and 6 wcmms. I think thats a 15 US gallon tank. Adding anything else would be too crowded if I'm right on the size.

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