White Cloud Mountain Minnow In Breeding Condition?


Fish Crazy
Mar 18, 2011
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Tonight when I was feeding my fish I saw that one of my white clouds had a rather large stomach. It is plump and hangs down a little, but she doesn't look sick. She ate and is right now swimming happily with my two other clouds. Is she going to breed? I have a ten gallon breeding tank that I could put her in with my other minnows, but should I set it up like I would for danios? Her scales lie f;at and she ate hungrily and everything. Her stomach is obviously a white color, if that helps you any. Sorry about the lack of pictures. What should I do about this- is she sick, or overweight, is she going to spawn? If so, when?

The most colorful minnows should be placed in a small tank with a spawning mop or some java moss. Males will attempt to attract females by displaying their fins, often alongside one another. White Clouds are egg-scatterers, dropping their eggs freely amongst the vegetation. Because they do not generally cannibalize their offspring, the parents can be left in the tank.
White cloud eggs hatch within 48 to 60 hours. The tiny fry may be visible on the sides of the glass or among plants. After they are free swimming, they can be fed a finely powdered fish food or infusoria
Dunno if this helps but I have three Females to a male and their stomachs are distended. What I have noticed though is that the male swims side by side with the female with his fins erect, all of them, not easy to overlook when that happens and if the male starts doing that then its probably time to separate them from the community tank. Be aware though that they produce a fairly large amount of fry so you can't raise them all ;-)
Tonight when I was feeding my fish I saw that one of my white clouds had a rather large stomach. It is plump and hangs down a little, but she doesn't look sick. She ate and is right now swimming happily with my two other clouds. Is she going to breed? I have a ten gallon breeding tank that I could put her in with my other minnows, but should I set it up like I would for danios? Her scales lie f;at and she ate hungrily and everything. Her stomach is obviously a white color, if that helps you any. Sorry about the lack of pictures. What should I do about this- is she sick, or overweight, is she going to spawn? If so, when?

don't really know when and if the spawn, just separate them, drop the water temp to about 18 degrees celcius. They can survive up to about 5 degrees celcius. Wait and hope for the best :p

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