White Cloud Mountain Minnow Breeding

Very easy to breed, just look after them and preferably keep them below 24*C, and you will notice females getting swollen with eggs.

Get a male and a female and place them in a spawning tank with lots of fine leaved plants like cabomba, and as soon as they have spawned remove the parents.

As soon as you see the fry moving with no yolk sac, you can start feeding them infusoria, then bbs and crushed flake and so on.
have they been displaying to each other ?
When i used to breed them i would always put 2 males in with the female
the female is usually not just rounded but bumpy on the sides aswell when she is ready to lay
they chase each other a couple of days before they actually start spawning
mine spawn at 26 degrees they are doing it every 6-8 weeks at the moment but the fish eat the eggs cos i havent got the spawning tank set up again at the moment
they usually spawn for a few days
just make sure you have something for them to spawn on

i feed my babies on crushed brineshrimp eggs , crushed bloodworm , crushed spirulina and crushed algae (crushed as in like dust) when they are free swimming i do this 4 times a day and also 10-15 % water changes 3 times a week and then as they grow i move them on to crumbled flake , daphnia baby brine shrimp and baby blood worms twice a day keeping up with the water changes

good luck

Sarah xx
i have had them breed successfully at 18 ,20 , 24 and 26 degrees - experimenting
i had more live young at 20 than any other temp wether they were just a good batches of eggs or the temp

i have mine now in the 30 litre rena tank now with some fern from supa and some caboma (cant find my old rid mop so got the fern today) have used it before and worked fine

good luck and let us know how you get on

Sarah xx
i will(Y)
im raising the temperature of the room instead of adding a heater..
i have java moss in the tank the now..
does it matter that there is little flow?
i will(Y)
im raising the temperature of the room instead of adding a heater..
i have java moss in the tank the now..
does it matter that there is little flow?

they prefer faster flow but they should be fine i have an elite stingray 5 in there but i have had them with tiny air powereed filters before with low flow and they have been fine
now mine are in the spawning tank i have turned off the heater so the temp will drop slowly to the 20 degrees they i will turn the heater on set at 19 degrees to stop it dropping too low

i wish you the best of luck sometimes it doesnt work first time but just try again i used to get inbetween 10 and 40 fish to sell out of a spawning :) ( leaving adults in the tank with the young to make sure any weak babies are eaten) always keep the brightest red ones to breed with

Cheers Sarah

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