White Cloud Minnows


I have 10 in a tropical tank with platies, tetras, etc. My normal temperature is kept at 76 F to 78 F (24-26 C), and they all do fine. Very active fish. I've read an article in Aquarium USA that says they are most comfortable at 68 to 70 F, but that they will easily adapt to tropical temperatures (76 F to 78 F), and will thrive in temperatures as low as 60 F. Hope this helps a little.
They originally come from mountian streams in China, where I guess the temperature is unlikely to be so warm. However, they seem to be very hardy and other people keep them at higher temperatures.
I've been to five different aquariums in Melbourne, and haven't been able to locate these or zebra danios. So i bought 4 cherry barbs.

I would have preferred wcm, but its not so bad.

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