White Cloud being territorial??


This picture just won champion in BW flowers!! YAY
Dec 13, 2002
Reaction score
First place at State 4-H horse show!! WHOOEE!!
Hi all,
I came downstairs this morning to turn the lights in the aquarium on, and I sat down to watch them for a while. I noticed that one of my long-finned white cloud minnow male was patrolling a third of my 55 gallon tank! He is chasing out anything about his size or smaller, such as guppies, tetras, etc. He will not chase the gouramis, tiger barbs, or bottom fish, and he won't pay any attention to the white cloud female that hangs around there. neither chasing her out or trying to lure her in! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!???
This is somewhat urgent because I just overcame a huge body slime fungus attack, and I don't want any more raggedy fins on my tetras or guppies!
Please reply soon!!!!
Robin :dunno: :angry:
If he is not nipping at anything, I wouldn't worry about it. You can try to catch him and put him in an isolation tank or a timeout container inside you tank overnight. I did that with some bully gouramis and it seemed to help.
J.R. :)
i have white clouds too! love them..but the males can tend to be a little aggresive at times...but they normal do no more then just chasing other fishes around...

this activity should not last too long..he'll go back to normal in no time...

Thanks all! You are all so helpful.
Well, good to hear that he'll stop doing it after a while. He's not making any time on the female white cloud, so I suspect he'll break out of it soon!!! I just bought 3 more white clouds, going to put them in my 5 gallon and let them get a little bigger then I'll put them in with the other three in my 55!

I also bought 2 long finned golden zebra danios, 2 long finned leopard danios, 2 Kribensis (WHAHOOOOO!!!!!!!) and 2 Corydoras punctuatus at the fish store yesterday! :D :D
Again, thanks so much!

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