White Cheeked Goby


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2007
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This is just another consideration for my 10 gal :S ...

From everything I've read these fish don't need a heater, they do need a good current, sandy or fine gravel susbstrate, and some rocks or slate for them to attach themselves to. What else would I need to house these fish? What would I use to make a current for these fish? My filter doesn't make much of a current. What are some possible tank mates that could live in a cold water tank?

you could add a powerhead if you want to increase current, im not sure how important it is to have good current, the filter current moght be fine on its own i dunno.

As a suggestion for tankmates you could make a nice hillstream biotype kind of setup, one nice addition i can think of is have a shoal of white cloud mountain minnows to occupy the upper levels.

As a side note, tanks without a heater are often described as coldwater but actually theyre probably closer to subtropical in most heated rooms.

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