White Cheek Goby


Fish Crazy
Aug 17, 2005
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I waws at the locasl fish store which is The Fish Store and more and in one of their show tanks they had white cheek gobies which cuaght my eye. I asked the man about them and he said that they liked a ph about 7 and soft water and that a sand substrate is goodd becuase they sift through the sandd. I was wondering if any body could give me some more info on these gobies or if anyone has any expierence with these gobies. thanks.
If these are Rhinogobius duospilus, these are easy to keep fish.


They need subtropical conditions (mortality is high in tropical aquaria), but otherwise will tolerate any water chemistry from soft water to brackish (about SG 1.010). Indifferent to water quality, being one species known to be pollution tolerant in the wild, though obviously you should filter the tank and carry out water changes. High oxygen levels help.

Mine seem to enjoy frozen bloodworm, lobster eggs, and other small meaty foods. No interest in flake. Love to dig, and they need caves or burrows. Males fight, but not seriously. Males have red flecks on "throat", while females lack them. Otherwise, both sexes capable of major colour changes.


There's been a couple of threads about them, do a search for Rhinogobius Wui (which was the previous name).
Thanks for the info. i'm thjinking sbout getting three for my 55 gallon community. One male and two females
i can't post the link to the site i get the info from for myself as it technically has a forum. so i'll pm you the link.

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