white bumps on angelfish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2004
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in the last 10 minutes, 2 white bumps have appeared by my angelfishes eye..they dont look like ich as they are protruding ... any ideas??
It's hard to say without knowing more about your setup.

1. What size tank is the fish in?
2. Is the tank cycled?
3. If so, how long has the tank been cycled?
4. How long have you had the fish?
5. Does it have tankmates?
6. Have you recently tested for ammonia, nitrites or nitrates?
7. What is your water maintenance schedule?
8. Has anything recently changed, such as adding new fish, using a new water conditioner, etc.?
9. What is the tank temperature?
10. Does the fish have any other symptoms, such as lethargy, not eating, etc.?

Also, can you describe the bumps in a little more detail?

its 20gallon with 1 more angelfish, 2 clown loach 4 platies and a common plec

i know theres too many but they are all small and i am trying to get some moved

I've had it for about 3 weeks and its still cycling

ammonia is about 0.3 nitrite is about 0.5 and nitrate is bewtween 10-20
ph is 7, temp. is 79f

the clown loaches have had ich so i am treating for that..i just did a water change and i am dechlorinating the water (doing water changes every other day because of the ich.about 15-20% but did a 40% change the other day and vac'd the gravel)

i'm using the stuff which speeds up the cycling process once a week and the fish seems fine and is very greedy, but the spots only just appeared so that could change

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