white bettas can jump


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Chambersburg, PA (USA)
so i come home from a nice rib cook-off last night to check on my new boys - had been pampering a new crown tail all week, and just got a new white/red plakat yesterday to make him show off his beautiful fins.


CARNAGE EVERYWHERE! my poor poor King the crownie :-( :-( :-(
a big chunk of his tail was on the gravel and his mouth was really banging up. I guess i left the water level up too high, but I didn't think that the plakat would try getting over it when there was barely enough room between it and the hood for a fish to pass through.

i feel like such a bad father! but i treated King's wounds with Melafix as a preventative measure, and he's eating - so that's good. and the plakat KNOWs i'm pissed because he hid under the sponge filter most of the night.

moral of the story - white(and red) bettas CAN jump
yeah something like that happend to me aswell when i put two males in this divider.. i did not realise that the slide was up slightly and then when i came back to the tank the two where in the same compartment together!!! im just lucky my little blue betta is a pussy and run away or alse i would be up to my nees in shreaded betta fins.. which my blue one allready has -_-
awww :( poor King :( :sad: :sad: :sad:

i hope my 2 next ones dont do that or else my brother will kill me!! ...my brother spent the 50 bux on them :p as a gift for me :D so if they do somethin like that he'll prolly kill me :lol: anyway i was about to tell you that the water was too high so the betta could still jump through it :/, but you sed it :) :D

goood luck on healing King's fins and mouthie :unsure: :thumbs: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the support, Dolores, CC, and Stan :)

I lowered the water level by 3 inches, so if Ming gets over the divider again, then i just wasn't mean to keep bettas together in this tank. This seems to be working really well, so anybody means to keep bettas together in a divided tank, i advise lowering the water level.

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