White algae?


Captain Canuck

My QT tank was housing fish until last weekend, and had no algae problems previously.
Now though there is what I think is a white algae growing on the glass, and it is fast at returning once the glass has been scrapped clean.

Any thoughts or experience? -_-
Dunno, but I think Im seeing the same thing on my 50 gallon. Its clear type of fluff growing on the inside of my tank. Its on very loose because you can see it waving in the water. Didnt show up until I start using some meds. I think we have the same problem and I dont even have my light on for an hour a day so the meds can work better with the fish being less stressed.
Yes, that is the stuff. It grows there waving in the water, mocking me. :crazy: :sly:
Hopefully this stuff isnt harmfull. Some expert should come on soon and let us know exactly what it is.
I dont know what it is but I too am getting the exact same stuff on my 6gal hex

I only noticed it after adding some stresscoat and ammolock to the water recently??

I hopeyou find out what it is / if it is harmfull and I will monitor this thread to see what you find out

Good Luck

Come to think of it, I did add some Stresszyme a week ago to help with the bacteria that is being lost from the antibiotics. I wonder if thats it somehow?
I have some real odd white stuff on my glass.

Its not growing and Now the algea is growing over it.

I think it might be minerals deposits or dead algea bodies.
Yeah, I saw the thread you started about hydra earlier and have been trying to determine if it is what I have or not. :blink:
I still don't know. :unsure:
For the time being there is only 1 danio in the tank, so I will continue with scrapping the sides and several days of daily water changes to see if it accomplishes anything.
I dont think its hydra because I dont have any live plants.
Update on the white stuff

I got/added a plecostomus to the tank last night cos the LFS told me that they love the stuff

Heypresto - woke up this morning and most of it had gone !!!!

I cant believe how hard the little guy must have worked during the night !!

Unfortunately this is only a short term fix as they grow pretty big and he will have to be relocated to the bigger tank - and I still dont know what caused the stuff in the first place but at least the tank/water is looking clear.

I also added a second small filter and had it running with the two filters overnight which may have helped also ??

Only problem for such a small tank is that I cant keep two filters permanately as flow rate too much for the Betta......

Have you guys had any luck finding a cure / reason for it ??


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