whisper 30



Will the whisper 30 suck fry up? Anyone have one? How do you like it? I just got one for my 18gallon yesterday and like it so far but have pregnant guppies .
If you are worried about the fry getting sucked up, be very worried that they first don't get eaten by the other fish.
If you want to save the fry, I suggest that you either remove the pregnant guppy when you can see the eyes of the fry through the mothers skin. Place her in a seperate tank. OR buy a special breeding trap and place her in there until she has her young and then she can be returned back to the main tank.
I use alot of plants and only the strong survive. I just switched to the whisper 30 from the whisper 10 that had very weak suction. From my last batch of fry I have 12 2 month olds out of 25 originally. I can deal with those odds, but don't want to lose any from the filter. I think I'll try the sponge thing, or how about material from old whisper 10 pouch and rubber band? What do you think?

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