

New Member
Aug 17, 2009
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I noticed this morning that one of my panda corys has lost all his feelers/whiskers ?....i have 5 in my tank and this one was one of my first i got, there are no signs of bullying as they all sit together etc, I have a Betta and 20 Harlequins in my tank... all of them get along...

will they grow back
what substrate do you have??? If it is course or rough the 'whiskers' can wear away. as they root round for food.

Corys prefer sand or very fine rounded gravel.

maybe that could be whats caused the disappearance
what substrate do you have??? If it is course or rough the 'whiskers' can wear away. as they root round for food.

Corys prefer sand or very fine rounded gravel.

maybe that could be whats caused the disappearance

I have smooth gravel as a substrate which has been fine, ive had this cory for months now, he is still active and digging around...

Will they grow back do you know? he looks "bald"... :unsure:
what substrate do you have??? If it is course or rough the 'whiskers' can wear away. as they root round for food.

Corys prefer sand or very fine rounded gravel.

maybe that could be whats caused the disappearance

I have smooth gravel as a substrate which has been fine, ive had this cory for months now, he is still active and digging around...

Will they grow back do you know? he looks "bald"... :unsure:
I think that they will grow back, but i'm not sure, cos I'm no catfish expert. I think that will.
Hi stickylove :)

There are usually two reasons why a cory might lose his barbels. The first is erosion which has already been mentioned. The second possible cause is bacterial infection. This could have been brought about by a number of possible causes. Some of them are uneaten food in the substrate, insufficient oxygen in the water, temperature too high or fluctuating, elevated levels of ammonia, nitrite or nitrate, overcrowding, or aggressive tankmates.

They may grow back somewhat if the damage has not been too extensive, but they will probably never reach their original length.
Hi stickylove :)

There are usually two reasons why a cory might lose his barbels. The first is erosion which has already been mentioned. The second possible cause is bacterial infection. This could have been brought about by a number of possible causes. Some of them are uneaten food in the substrate, insufficient oxygen in the water, temperature too high or fluctuating, elevated levels of ammonia, nitrite or nitrate, overcrowding, or aggressive tankmates.

They may grow back somewhat if the damage has not been too extensive, but they will probably never reach their original length.

thanks for the info, i will keep a check on him, he seems happy and acting normal other than that, eating well also...

the water is fine and all the levels are ok.. although i need to get another syphon as its time for the regular change

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