Which Would Be Best?


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
My original plans was to go for a nano reef once I had moved my f/w into a bigger tank.
As luck would have it I've now ended up with 2 x 72Gal tanks, so I guess that's not exactly nano anymore?

Big question is which tank to use for marine?
Tank 1: L42"xW18"xH24.5" approx 72Gals (straight tank)
This will be in our bedroom which does get afternoon sun, if the blinds were left open (unlikely, but not impossible) this tank would get direct sunlight for 2-3 hours (when we get sun LOL).

Tank 2: L48"xW34"xH21.5" approx 72Gals (Juwel Delta 300 corner tank)
This will be in the office which gets the morning sun, although, no direct sunlight on tank. However, this room is warmer overall (partly down to the computer equipment).

Is the warmer, definitely no direct sunlight better for a marine setup?
Hummm, that's a real tough one. My gut says to go for the first tank dimensions for sure from a setup, aquascaping, and stocking standpoint; but the location (bedroom) isn't necessarily ideal from a sound and humidity standpoint as far as sleeping is concerned. Then again, a warmer room can actually be troublesome for a marine tank with higher powered lights.
Noise isn't so much an issue - unless it's going to be horrendous.
We live in a giant computer LOL so there's always bits of kit and fans running, after several years we just kind of shut it all out.
Besides, nothing could be worse than hubby's snoring :shout:
Well, if that's the case, then I'd definitely take the bedroom option :D
Literally just got this one home and it looks shorter than I'd visualised, so it's probably going to end up in the living room.
That means moving 1 sofa and 1 piece of kitty furniture instead of dismantling a double wardrobe...
Needless to say hubby prefers the less work option =)
Piccies when we recover from moving these beasts LMAO
460 miles
2 tanks that weigh a tonne I swear
1 cracked pane of glass :angry: gutted, but still, I guess it could have been worse.
Almost got the flippin' thing into the kitchen and just knocked a corner very slightly on the edge of the front door :crazy: still can't believe such a tiny tap caused that much grief!
At least we didn't fall out, and it can be fixed - wasn't what I planned, but it can be done LOL
I had looked at the silicone on that particular pane and thought "hmm, I think that could do with replacing before I go putting water in there..."

Hubby said that if I ever want a bigger tank then "it can be built where it's going to be, 'cuz I ain't moving tanks around again" bless 'im :wub:
OKies first pic.
'Scuse the messy kitchen :blush:

Aw it's looks tiny there LOL it's L42"xW18"xH24.5" but made of 10mm glass :crazy: and sooooooooo heavy

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