Which Type, How Many?


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2005
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Please don't think I haven't been doing reaserch using google and old topics but some of the info I want is hard to pin-point. I have a couple of simple questions which i simply am unable to find the answer to.

I have a 3ft by 1ft tank which is looking filthy and it would be good to get something to tidy up. I was thinking about Ghost and Amano shrimps. Maybe two of each.

I this enough to clean my tank and is it the best choice. I want some small shrimps which are capable of cleaning my tank quitely with minimum disturbance.

All that is in the tank is small tetras and similar so the small shrimps would be under no threat.

Any extra info would be good. I also read that food you buy for aquatic crabs is good for them along with algea tablets. Is this true.

First I was looking at snails but to be honest I don't like them that much and shrimps are so much nicer. Which is more effective I presume it is the shrimps and there will be no rapid reproduction within weeks
Lastly I have read that shrimps are not included in stocking levels. If this is so why not?

Please don't get annoyed at my ignorence I have done some research but some imput from people that have hands on experiance with them would be really helpful.

Shrimps do not count in your total tank stock as they produce so little waste... I thought 'amano' and 'ghost' shrimp were the same thing?... for visual show, how about some 'Cherry', 'Blue' or 'Green' Shrimp? Tri-mar Aquatics down in Cornwall do a range of different shrimp - as well as most tropical fish - (via online ordering/delivery by post) if you cannot find what you want in your lfs... btw, a Bristlenose Catfish would eat much of the algae (though they also need feeding in addition to algae)...
Ghost shrimp are not Amano shrimp. This is ghost shrimp (Callianassa californiensis) and this is Amano shrimp (Caridina japonica).

But to be entirely honest, if your tank is filthy the only thing that's going to clean it up, is you ! :D

Tiny shrimp only have a very limited ability to consume. Amano are the only ones to consume algae noticeably. You will simply have to apply some elbow grease and maintain your tank on a weekly basis - as is best practice for a healthy tank ;)
I do clean my tank monthly. Where I do a 25% water change ( I know this is not what most people suggest but it is what I was instructed to do and it has always worked for me)and that has always kept it as clean as I need it. Fish are all completely healthy and the water quality is always fine. But since I have started trying to grow plants I am finding it hard to clean the gravel without disturbing my plants. I need some little helpers to gently clean in between my plants. Don't think I expect miracles just an improvement.

I intend to start all over again with new filtration and new substrate so what would you say the minimum amount of amano shrimps would be needed to keep a relitively tidy tank clean.
I can't remember how many Amano keeps per gallon, but I bought 11 for my planted 20 US gallon + a bamboo shrimp and I can honestly see no difference whatsoever.
If you go over in the planted section, you will see how crucial water changes are (even more so) for a healthy balanced tank. Don't just reply on one person's advice on tank maintenance.
I can't remember how many Amano keeps per gallon, but I bought 11 for my planted 20 US gallon + a bamboo shrimp and I can honestly see no difference whatsoever.
If you go over in the planted section, you will see how crucial water changes are (even more so) for a healthy balanced tank. Don't just reply on one person's advice on tank maintenance.

I choose very carefully whos advice I trust. This is the info I was given by the person at the aquatic store. He has been very helpful and his advice has always proven useful and accurate. He has helped me through a lot of problems. He himself keeps 30+ tanks so he probably knows what he is doing. Just because his advice is different doesn't mean it is wrong.

I am looking very carefully into a planted tank so my practices may be changed.

If I can get them cheap enough I think I will get my two amano shrimps along with two brightly coloured ones like cherry shrimps. Just because I like the look of them even if they are useless :lol:
:kana: Really chuffed. The man at the shop says next time he makes an order he will try and get some amano and cherry shrimps. Just shows that you don't know unless you ask. I will decide how many to get once I see a price. :)

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