Which To Add First?


Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
I am in the process of setting up and cycling my tank.

When the conditions are perfect and I come round to stocking, I want to know whether to put my cleaner crew or 2 percula clowns in first (I will be adding the other fish at intervals over a period of months), or at the same time?

Clean up crew 1st

Then 1 fish or maybe 2 but remember to stock lightly at first & always allow your liverock to catch up with the added bioload
Clean up crew 1st

Then 1 fish or maybe 2 but remember to stock lightly at first & always allow your liverock to catch up with the added bioload

I don't mean to hijack the thread (i believe my question is similar to his and OP could benefit). How long should one give the liverock to "catch up" to extra bioload. I ask this because I'm thinking about doing a similar setup in my tank... 2 clowns, watchman goby & tiger pistol, cleaner shrimp.
Clean up crew 1st

Then 1 fish or maybe 2 but remember to stock lightly at first & always allow your liverock to catch up with the added bioload

I don't mean to hijack the thread (i believe my question is similar to his and OP could benefit). How long should one give the liverock to "catch up" to extra bioload. I ask this because I'm thinking about doing a similar setup in my tank... 2 clowns, watchman goby & tiger pistol, cleaner shrimp.

You should be able to read the correct time by testing the water. After the first fish go in, you may see a small spike in ammonia, then nitrite and finally nitrate, then a partial water change and monitor. Too many fish and the ammonia/nitrite spike will be too high, which is bad....

When ammonia and nitrite fall back to 0, and nitrate is low, you can think about adding another fish.

But don't rush things, ;)
So, back to adding the cleanup crew 1st.

Would I need to introduce some food for the cleanup crew before I add the fish? If so what would be recommended?

You wont need to add food for you clean up crew, depending on what invert they are they will either pick from your liverock, glass or sand :good:

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