Which Snail Do I Need?

Allegedly Mexican turbo's are good? Mine doesn't seem to do much to my glass tho but I only have one.
my 2 mexicans dont tough my glass, they love my rock tho.
i must add them to my need to get list, i might have them by december
My Nass are always on my glass.
Turbos go where the food is, be it glass or rock; mine are my primary cleaners of both. If there is more/better food on the rock, they will go there first. This is true of most snails. Might try a couple more of them and see if it spreads them out a bit more due to depleting the rocks a bit. Trochids are also good, but they seem to be less commonly available. If you've got a massive algae attack on your glass, particularly if its encrusting, Ceriths might crawl up and have a munch, but won't make a dent overall due to their small size and itty bitty mouths. You'd have to have a not-so-small army of them to do much successful glass work.

Also, if it's encrusing algae you're dealing with, elbow grease with a scraper is another important CUC member, since even very large snails struggle to get rid of all of it from an area.
I have 2 turbo's in my tank, and 1 of them is always on the rocks, 1 of them is always on the glass, works out I guess :rolleyes: They actually do a GREAT job, I mean, I haven't seen a nitrate or a phosphate in months, but I still get a little film, and there's always a decent sized trail through it all. Though make sure all your corals are secured nicely, or they WILL buldoze them all. IMO though, they best way to get algae off your glass is a sponge and a razor blade. Unless you have A LOT of snails, you'll still have algae on the glass for you to clean up.

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