Which Shrimp?


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
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I have 100 litre tank, with 2 planted back corners, one larger than the other. I have (apparently) 2 cherry shrimp which I never see, I assume they are in the forest doing what they love. The only reason I know they are alive is because from time to time I see an empty shell where I'm guessing they have shed. I am after a larger shrimp as I thoroughly enjoy my aquarium to contain more than just fish (looking for a home at a friends tank for my apple snail, who I love but is wrecking my bigger leaved plants).

So which large shrimp can would you recommend I get? I love bamboo shrimp and armoured shrimp, but is it true armoured grow to up to 15cm? That's not a problem, but I can't find evidence of a smaller version, which I was told about at a LFS (...). Please help me decide as I have got to a point where I only want to buy based on well informed decisions!!

I understand I might not see much of the shrimp I choose, that's fine, as long as they are happy and doing their job!

Thanks in advance

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