Which Shrimp?

silver tipped

Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
New milton, Hampshire

I have a 65l (15g I think) which has pebble substrate, under gravel filtration and is well planted with hiding places. I have 6 silver tipped tetras, 6 platies and 1 fry.

As I am close to my limit of fish do shrimp count towards the total of fish? Some peaople say yes, others say no. Which is it please?

Which shrimp would get along with the above fish and not be eaten nor eat my fry?

And how many is preferable and how many are adequate?

Been thinking of ghost shrimp or cherry.
but need help.
Shrimp just don't add much biological load at all.

Here's a good link w/ some great information.

Pet Shrimp Store

I'm taking care of a fresh spawn of ghost shrimp, w/ another due in a couple weeks. Once they're about an inch, they do a fair (not great, just fair) job on algae (they mowed down the hair algae infesting the Java Moss in their tank).

My next purchase will be Cherry Shrimp.

v/r, N-A

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