Which Shrimp To Get?

I really love shrimp, but at my LFS they only have ghost shimp, which end up as meals. Which kind should I get and where?
amino, cherry, rock/bambo seem to be the most common. a g??gle search will find net suppliers
I would only reccomend bamboo shrimp if you have a mature tank at least 6 months running, and if you do i would get african filter shrimp instead :good: . No chance it will be eaten :) .
If the ghost shrimp are ending up as meals, the cherry shrimp certainly will also. They are very small when they are sold, even at full size they would be targeted. If you have lots of plants,wood, heavy clumps of moss they might have a chance but you wouldnt see much of them. Which of your fish do you think are eating the ghost shrimp.
No, I have never had any kind of shrimp, but I've read that ghost shrimp are often munched on and are even sold as food, which brings me to my next subject:

HOLY $#@%!!! Tiny shrimp cost $10 a piece plus shipping!!!
Ghost shrimp are used as feeders for large fish, why would they be killed by yours? $10 for a shrimp isn't bad, i've seen way more expensive things.
Ghost shrimp are used as feeders for large fish, why would they be killed by yours? $10 for a shrimp isn't bad, i've seen way more expensive things.

$10????????????????? i pay £1.25 up to errr £1.50 for any shrimp, thats $3 tops, though i think it may be a bit more for the Vampire Shrimp!!! cant say on postage though. get mine from a shop. you know, you remember them? lol
1 shrimp or 2 oscars? what about the hundreds of pounds required for huge tanks and all the equipment and food? My shrimp are probably the most fascinating thing in my tank, i have 2 ghost shrimp and 4 amano shrimp and they are ace. Do you have any fish in your tank that would eat the shrimp? If not i would give em a go, i spend hours watching mine.
Yeah, shrimp are a ton of fun. I have numerous cherry shrimp, two ghost shrimp, and a singapore wood shrimp, and they're all a blast to watch eat....the only thing more fun is the mystery snail.

A word for the wise though...most everything will eat a shrimp if it's small enough. I learned the hard way when all of my first batch of cherry's were eaten by glowlight tetras of all things (though the larger zebra danios leave them alone...go figure.

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