Which Shrimp For 32gallon Nano?

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Heya Guys

It's nearly time for me to start adding a few inverts to my 32 Gallon Nano. I'm going to add snails first but a few weeks down the line want to get some shrimp in their. I know they all serve different purposes and generally can't be mixed so i'm just after your experiences on the best shrimp for a Nano tank. I love the colour of blood shrimp, the personality of boxing shrimp, the usefulness of cleaner shrimp and the aglae-eating greatness of peppermint shrimp but don't know which to go for!

Any help or views is greatly appreciated
go for cleaner and peppermint. Best combination and they are 'relatively' compatible, minus a few squables but usualy one swims off.
When I eventually get up and running I will be going with true Lysmata wurdemanni (which should take care of any outbreaks of aiptasia (glass anemone)
yer thats a point before you go buying 'peppermint' shrimp make sure you know the difference between camel / dancing shrimp and true peppers. They are quite different but if you dont know then youll prolly end up buying a well known coral muncher, if it be only occasional
blood, skunk (cleaner), peppermint. Take a look at those....
sorry, i missed those parts :(


Have you considered a mantis species tank or are you not interested?
I think i've wittled it down to two: Blood (fire) shrimp or a nice male-female pair of boxing shrimp we have at work... it's tough. The only thing putting me off about the blood shrimp is the fact I might not see them during the day.

I've also got 3 blue-legged hermit crabs! Lovely!
no i think he might mean those pom pom shrimps that have anemones as boxing gloves...
Okay musho, aren't those crabs? :D

And timmystood, what kind of fish do you have/plan on?

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