Which Root Tabs?


Constantly learning
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Jul 9, 2009
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Surrey, England
Morning all,

Just switching to a play sand/cat litter substrate and want to give my vallis a helping hand whilst the cat litter takes time to absorb some nutrients.

Can anyone recommened a good root tab or similar product?
I use JBL clay balls and they dothee job for me. About £8 for 20 and they last about a year
I used dennerle root tabs in mine theyre 1cm wide White spheres and my plants are doing great :good:

Are the clay balls not just a medium to bsorb nutrients ( same as cat litter)

Instead of a nutrient source
Sera, as far as I can tell by the ingredients, most are identical, so may as well look by price.
There's no real need to add any, the Vallis can take its required nutrients from the water column just as easily as it can from the roots, but if you want to add them I'd recommend TPN+ tabs.
Ive been using API, which are good. Seachem are one of the best I believe, but KK also mentioned Sera whichare really good value, might try them next
If I had to choose then Tropica capsules. N+P as well as trace elements.
thanks for all the suggestions

......now to find them at the lowest possible price.
i use "seachem flourish tabs" $5 at petsmart and comes with 10 tabs. Their great! I have play sand as well and they do well with it.
TNC Plugs would be a cheaper alternative to Tropica+ Capsules also.
If you want to stay in that slow release vein you could also have a go at making your own from osmocote.
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