Which Pleco


New Member
Mar 11, 2006
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looking to get a pleco for my juwel trigon 190 i already have a clown pleco but after getting him read on this forum no good at cleaning algae so i need one to do this do'nt want it to get any bigger than 6 inches i do like the queen arabesque but a bit expensive any other ideas ? thanks for any replies
i'm not too good at plecs but i have a gibecep?! thats great with algae and apparantly won't grow more than 6" :good:
I agre with Emma, a Bristlenose would make a good addition to your tank. They are pretty good when it comes to cleaning algae but they can also be lazy.
If your tank is fairly well established then you could get a group of Ottos, maybe 5-6? I had some of these in one of my tanks and they are probably one of the most efficient when it comes to algae.

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