Which Plec?


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2009
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Hi quick question for future referance.....
Which plec would be ok in a 95ltr tank 80lx40hx30w?
Looking for something with colour or stripes???????? :unsure:
Thanks in advance for any replies or advice :good:
Bristlenose, clown and maybe L199, there are quite a few smaller species that would do well within a 90ltr tank. Have you got any actually in mind?

Whats the layout of the tank?, some species need specific needs in regard to decor and water temps/stats.
Bristlenose, clown and maybe L199, there are quite a few smaller species that would do well within a 90ltr tank. Have you got any actually in mind?

Whats the layout of the tank?, some species need specific needs in regard to decor and water temps/stats.
Layout is sand bottom , 2 fake caves , silk plants (want change to real) , some tetras and a snail , looking at dwarf cichlids (apisto) next year , LFS has quite a few bristlenose for £5.75 :good: oh yeah i have a massive piece of bogwood which is too big for the tank :good: i understand bristlenose need this to nibble on :blush: :unsure:
Bristlenose, clown and maybe L199, there are quite a few smaller species that would do well within a 90ltr tank. Have you got any actually in mind?

Whats the layout of the tank?, some species need specific needs in regard to decor and water temps/stats.
Layout is sand bottom , 2 fake caves , silk plants (want change to real) , some tetras and a snail , looking at dwarf cichlids (apisto) next year , LFS has quite a few bristlenose for £5.75 :good: oh yeah i have a massive piece of bogwood which is too big for the tank :good: i understand bristlenose need this to nibble on :blush: :unsure:

No they dont actually need bogwood in the tank, panaque species like clowns do as it's a source a food for them, BN's more rasp on it rather than eat it. It is always nice to have it in there for them though, gives another hiding place :)
Depending what you can get your hands on and how much you want to part with, there are probably 30 varieties you could choose from, with different requirements...
just looking at clown pleco on a website couldnt find l199 , forgot to ask , i have 6 corydoras julii , would a plec get on with these guys? :blush: :unsure:
I'd go for the clown plec or a BN - nice fairly easy to care for and tend not to be expensive.
The only problem with bristlenoses is they look like the south end of a north bound horse.

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