Layout is sand bottom , 2 fake caves , silk plants (want change to real) , some tetras and a snail , looking at dwarf cichlids (apisto) next year , LFS has quite a few bristlenose for £5.75 oh yeah i have a massive piece of bogwood which is too big for the tank i understand bristlenose need this to nibble onBristlenose, clown and maybe L199, there are quite a few smaller species that would do well within a 90ltr tank. Have you got any actually in mind?
Whats the layout of the tank?, some species need specific needs in regard to decor and water temps/stats.
Layout is sand bottom , 2 fake caves , silk plants (want change to real) , some tetras and a snail , looking at dwarf cichlids (apisto) next year , LFS has quite a few bristlenose for £5.75 oh yeah i have a massive piece of bogwood which is too big for the tank i understand bristlenose need this to nibble onBristlenose, clown and maybe L199, there are quite a few smaller species that would do well within a 90ltr tank. Have you got any actually in mind?
Whats the layout of the tank?, some species need specific needs in regard to decor and water temps/stats.
just looking at clown pleco on a website couldnt find l199 , forgot to ask , i have 6 corydoras julii , would a plec get on with these guys?
just looking at clown pleco on a website couldnt find l199 , forgot to ask , i have 6 corydoras julii , would a plec get on with these guys?
Cheers , everything is on hold now for a bit till I get tank in order , needs orginisingjust looking at clown pleco on a website couldnt find l199 , forgot to ask , i have 6 corydoras julii , would a plec get on with these guys?
The l199 Pleco is the zebra pleco.