Which Plec/catfish/algae Eater


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
Broxburn,West Lothian Scotland
Decided long and hard about getting one of these ..Didnt really want one as i've seen how big of them can get and what mess the can make in a tank moving things etc

Then i found out that they do smaller ones :D

Just can't seem to decide which one to get and which ones will be compatible with the rest of the fish

At present i have

Red wags danios 2 male gourami's (1 going shortly :( ) 2 paradise fish ,Neons (around 2cm) cory's 2 mollies & 3 Clown Loaches

They're all in a Juwul Trigon 190l got a few good hiding spots and plenty of room down the bottom

Can anyone advise me on the best kind Prefferably under 10" 25-26cm

BN, bristlenose plecs only get to 4 or so inches, and love algae. three of four would be fine. though they may well breed. the L200 green phantom is a good algae eater, i am told, and one beautiful fish too.
Don't know if interested, but just Googled real fast for this in case:


(Changed their set-up since I last looked, unless the better one's around somewhere else - but this is different than I recall and has less info; might want to poke around a bit.
Always assuming I'm thinking of the right site...)

But there are lots of cool, smaller plecs, if you can find, keep, and afford them...
I have a little female Bristle nose. She is the best. They only get about 4-5inches and Love to work. This little girl always on the move unlike my lazy Clown pleco. Clown plecos are beautiful but very shy and do not eat algae but I still love her. Also the Rubber nose aka bulldog plecos are good at cleaning and get to be about 5-6 inches. Then there is the Pit Bull pleco. I think they are so cute I have only seen them once in real life. I went back to get one the next day GONE. The store never got any other ones in I was bummed. The pit bulls only get 2-3 inches they like to be in little schools are from what I hear Love to work.

I would recommend the bristle nose I just love mine.

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