Which Ones?!?!


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Bedfordshire UK
help! i need some corys for the bottom of my 80l which has a betta and 7 neon tetras in it. i thought i'd decided between two - trilineatus or sterbai. But ive just been looking at all the pics on here of different varieties, and im very confused now!! im rather liking the black ones, dwarf, and then i found this :hyper: http://www.corydorasworld.com/corydoras

where do i even start?!?!
help! i need some corys for the bottom of my 80l which has a betta and 7 neon tetras in it. i thought i'd decided between two - trilineatus or sterbai. But ive just been looking at all the pics on here of different varieties, and im very confused now!! im rather liking the black ones, dwarf, and then i found this :hyper: http://www.corydorasworld.com/corydoras

where do i even start?!?!

I recommend Sterbai and Agazzisi Corys :blush:


Definitely definitely sterbai... :wub:
Decisions decisions... :lol: there are so many to choice from :rolleyes: ,sterbai are one of the corys that prefer a higher temp 28 degrees etc,whereas most corys are normally around 24-26 degrees,so depends what temp you have your tank set at...
ok well the tank is currently set at 26, the neons and betta are fine with that.

i do love the sterbai but are they on the larger side? coz i think i want some on the smaller side really.

im looking on aquarist classifieds to see if i can find anything i like there :good:

Oh theres sand in the bottom and i think a darker cory would look better? i dont know - decisions decisions!!!
Sterbai are short and fat, I think that's why I find them so adorable. They're stubby, but in a cute way.

oh i like short n fat lol - what size do they get to?

i like these too http://www.seriouslyfish.com/profile.php?genus=Corydoras&species=duplicareus&id=255
Julli are larger, and more of a white base with dark spots as opposed to being more of a dark base with white spots.
are julli very like sterbai? size, pattern etc?
Any fish labeled C. julii ($15-20) at your LFS are going to be C. trilineatus ($3-5) - no matter what they tell you. - Frank

lol, my lfs dont sell them anyway, but i know the julli have spotted heads and the trilineatus a patterned head. :good:

Julli are larger, and more of a white base with dark spots as opposed to being more of a dark base with white spots.

ah ok ;) i do love the patternation of the julli, but not sure about them being larger. although the tank is 80l, its not a long tank, its deep, and its surface area at the bottom is more like a 60l. so i think a smaller cory is better eh?
ah ok ;) i do love the patternation of the julli, but not sure about them being larger. although the tank is 80l, its not a long tank, its deep, and its surface area at the bottom is more like a 60l. so i think a smaller cory is better eh?
At any given age, C. trilineatus and C. sterbai are virtually identical in size. Any major variation is simply from how they were raised. - Frank

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