which of these are mouth brooders


New Member
May 14, 2003
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Hi, can anyone tell me which of these 4 fish are mouth brooders.

Zebra Psued
Pearl Mutt
Electric Yellow

Also can you give me some names of some really good parent mouthbrooders that are quite common to buy in most pet stores.

Lynn :D :rolleyes: :fun:
Are you considering only mbuna cichlids? You should first determine if they will be compatible in your tank.

Jurapari are peaceful, large cichlids that are mouth brooders. If you get lucky, you can get some with brilliant colors as adults.

How big is your tank?
My tank is a 25 gal, I have had these four fish in there for the past 2 years. All get along just fine, every once in a while there is a chase on as the Acie and the Zebra seem to be lovey. I did not plan on breeding these that is why I got four different kinds. That shows you how educated our pet store people are. "These four types of fish will not breed" Ya right.

I don't plan on adding anything else to this tank. But if I ever have to re stalk it I just would like to know of some mouth brooders that would be nice to have.

Lynn ;) :D

They are all maternal mouthbrooders and will readily cross spawn!!

Thanks for the replies, that is what I am so darn mad about. The store told me they would not breed. I don't want to get rid of them as the colors are so nice, but i have not had live young from any of them either. I just wanted a display tank of cichids. But I posted the mouth brooding thing so if I ever decide to get a REAL PAIR OF THE SAME I know which ones are mouthbrooders.

Thanks again..........Lynn :D B) :rolleyes:
Well most likely if you get 2 of em to mate, the fry will be eaten by the others. So in that sense you don't really have to worry about breeding. You might be able to stick a couple more in that tank if you have good filtration.
lipreader - a mouthbrooder is a fish that the female will lay the eggs and the male will pass over and fertilize the eggs. once the eggs are fertilized, the female will scoop up the eggs in her mouth and keep them there tumbling the eggs. this is often referred to as holding. the eggs will hatch in her mouth and when the fry are free swimming she will spit the fry out. mouthbrooders usually have smaller numbers of fry than egglayers.


lynn - you have to watch with mbuna. they are not good in pairs. they are harem breeders. the males prefer to have atleast 3 females to hold down the males aggression during mating.

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