Which oddball is most vicious.



hey! wot oddball fish would u say is the most predatoiral and vicous????
Depends if you class large catfish as oddballs or not, if you do then Mystus nemurus the asian redtailed catfish is widely thought of as the most aggressive fish in the world, in the wild they have been known to attack and injure humans and will happily take on fish many times larger than themselves and eat them a piece at a time!

If not then it would be a toss up between The fahaka puffer ( Tetradon fahaka ) or the red snakehead ( Channa micropeltes ). Both these fish get to sizes in excess of 30" and will attack and eat anyfish that come into contact with them.

Other contenders for the title would be the wolf fish ( Hoplias malabaricus ), black pirahna ( Serrasalmus rhombeus ) and the sabre toothed tetra ( Hydrolycus scomberoides ) all of which are pretty nasty customers too.
wow cheers, im really interested in predator fish i find them more facinatiing the most fish. I only have a 30 gal tank which limits me to wot i can get as u have said most do grow big! which is a shame.
wow cheers, im really interested in predator fish i find them more facinatiing the most fish. I only have a 30 gal tank which limits me to wot i can get as u have said most do grow big! which is a shame.
There are many smaller predatory species that could be kept in a 30 gallon tank which although they dont have the pure evil factor of the larger fish they can be just as interesting.

Your tank could be used to house

Up to 4 dwarf snakeheads ( Channa orientallis/gachua or Channa bleheri are commonly seen in lfs in the uk)

A pair of dwarf pike cichlids

A pair of senagal bichirs (polypterus senegalus)

A group of south american leaf fish

All those fish are easily found in shops in the UK and are fiercly predatory, unfortunately with the snakeheads or pikes they would be the only fish you could have due to their aggressive intollerant natures but the bichirs and leaf fish could be combined with a few other fish that are too large to eat.
what size tank do Barrumundi need. They are aggresive
Baramundi is a local name for the australian arrowana ( Scleropages jardini ) which can reach sizes of up to 3 ft. They are a very aggressive species that should only be kept with fish that can handle a bit of violence or are quick enough to get out of the way and hide when the arowana goes on a rampage. I currently keep mine in a 200 gallon tank though i feel that it will need to be moved to larger quarters in the future.
wow pike cichlids ive seen them look very nice cheers!! o what are bichirs?? ive heard of them on this site but never seen one or anything like that
You seem to be a real expert on oddball fish. I love oddballs too and would love to have so much knowledge on them. Currently I have a BGK, Spiny Eel and may get a Toadfish if it doesn't get too big to eat my other fish. I may also get a Polypterus Ansorgii. I think that is right. It grows to 28 cms or 13 - 14 inches.

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