Which Kinda Of Tetra Is Best

Which is best to get?

  • Red Serpae Tetra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cardinal Tetras

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
South Shields, UK
Hi there.

First fish il be getting when my tanks cycled will be Tetras. But which do you think are best.

Red Serpae Tetras (http://www.tropicalfish4u.co.uk/acatalog/Res_Serpae_Tetra.html)


Cardinal Tetras (http://www.tropicalfish4u.co.uk/acatalog/Cardinal_Tetras.html)

Thanks and please vote. I want ones that look nice, shoal together and are relatively easy to keep and wont die on me
I think best is relative term. I lost a couple cardinals right away when I bought ten but the remaining are feisty and good eaters. Between the two, the one I prefer with my setup would be cardinals. I have a small school of them and I think they look brilliant!
I abstain.

Both are great fish with very nice colouration. It depends on what you want to keep with them. Cardinals are generally a better community fish, serpaes can be nippy. I've kept serpeas in the past and really liked them; presently I have a school of 15 cardinals which look excellent in a planted tank. I really can't decide which I like better.
As Griz has just said, it depends on what else you are planning to do with the tank. Serpas are notorious fin-nippers, so anything timid with long flowing fins won't be happy sharing with them.
Don't rule serpaes out entirely. They are a very cool fish, you just need to take care when choosing tankmates. Your choices are a bit limited but there are many fish that will coexist with them.
I have only kept glowlights and neons in my tank. But I think neons are the best! :good:

( so i voted for cardinal Tetra. They are more a less the same looking fish)

Im going to a proper Aquatics shop later on today so il get to see all of them up close (if they have them in stock), so il get a good look at them, if i hadnt found out about this shop i would have just been buying them off the internet.

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