Which Is Better?


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
which is better for betta physique?

to have quite a large "hump" on their head, a steep slant up then flat to their dorsal
or to be quite flat from nose through dorsal to tail?

my VTs are quite flat, whereas my CT and SD have this "hump".

do you get what i mean? or shall i draw some mspaint diagrams??
I read in a book once that the "hump" is characteristic of an older fish. I can't believe that can be the case every time though. I personally think the ones without are better looking but that's personal opinion. Maybe you can find something on one of the betta society websites about how they are judged in competition.
the age thing can't be right, my youngest is my SD, and he has a big hump.
whereas my oldest at a year and a half is flat.
I think he's talking about the topline of the fish? Like,

This one seems to be flatter along his back line.

And this one has more of a hump

Sorry if these are any of ya'lls pics, I just googled for god examples of what I think he's talking about?
I understood, the pictures you posted are really good examples. I only said what I read and that I also believe it couldn't be correct for every fish. But, I still like them better without. :)
A nice, smooth curve is actually preferably, as far as I've seen. It should not be unbalanced or exagerated, or it is considered a "humpback" which is a fault. Flat backs are not preferable in shows at all, but they're all cute! ;)

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