Which Is Better A Sump Or External Filter

which is better a sump or external filter

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A sump is technically better because it adds a lot of volume. If you have a 20 gallon tank with say a 5 gallon sump, you effectively have a 25 gallon tank. You still have to take swimming space into account for your fish, but it does open up your stocking options. This additional water means that nitrates etc are more diluted and take longer to build to toxic levels. You can also hide heaters and other unsightly equipment in the sump as well instead of the main tank. The downside of sumps is that they're more expensive than external filters to buy. You can make them yourself, but then it gets technical. I would like to make a sump one day though, if I had a space under my tank big enough.

External filters are generally cheaper and easier to maintain, and you don't have to worry so much in the event of a power cut, but you don't get the benefits that you do with a sump.
I will be turning my 60L 2Ft into a sump for my 4Ft tank, I will be doing a write up on this :good:
I like sumps for marine and canisters for tropical.

I like the ease and fool proof nature of a canister - no worries about overflows blocking or loosing syphon and flooding your house.

For marine canisters are appalling for water quality so sump is the best way to go.
I'll be putting perspex dividers in with pond sponges(works out cheaper) and leaving about 8inches at the end to house a 1000LPH pump running up to a spray bar in the tank, the heater will be in the sump. There will be a Hole drilled on the opposite side with a strainer/pipe draining into the sump.

This will mean there is nothing in the main tank that looks ugly (apart from my reflection)

Hope this helps
are sumps much noisier that canisters ?

not if designed properly no - they are near silent. if designed poorly (like my first attempt) they sound like a little water fountain in the corner.
I have a TetraTec EX1200 on my 170 Aqua One Marine Tank with a UV steriliser and a hang on Protein Skimmer on the back and the water quality is perfect.
Whilst I dont have a sump and people say they arent a necessity for FW, I recently wanted to move my heater out my tank. An external heater made me leave a skid mark on my pants when I saw the price. I just refuse to pay that, would rather use the money to build a sump!
Whilst I dont have a sump and people say they arent a necessity for FW, I recently wanted to move my heater out my tank. An external heater made me leave a skid mark on my pants when I saw the price. I just refuse to pay that, would rather use the money to build a sump!

hm i always wondered about sumps i guess for marine there more vital but i have 2 tetratec 1200 on my 330L tank with 2 external heaters works perfectly and

@ dgwebster

external heaters are the same price as internals, i find search around for one they are worth it :) reliable and easy to use :), i have a 300w and a 200w on my 330L tank they work side by side perfectly :)

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