Which is a better bottom feeder out of the two?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
NSW - Sydney Australia
A clown loach or corydoras catfish. If size did not matter, that is, if the clown loach and the corydoras were both the same size, say 7 cm, which bottom feeder do you think is the best in foraging and collecting any un eaten food from the bottom and the most robust. If there are any other bottom feeders which anyone thinks is better than the two mentioned, please state them. I am asking this question because i need a bottom feeder for my 20 gallon tank. Thankyou for any responses.
you cant keep clown loaches in a 20g so your only choice out of those is the corys plus they have to be schooled so say you get 5 you will have a clean bottom...im not sure about these but what about ottos i dont know if they can fit in your tank
Videl said:
I am asking this question because i need a bottom feeder for my 20 gallon tank. T

Because you added that, nobody is going to suggest a clown loach, even if you say you are going to rehome it when it gets too big. Even for a small loach, 20 gallons is NOT an option, unless you already have an existing tank big enough for one. If that is the case, than a clown loach is acceptible.

With Cories, they need to be in groups. If you have no other bottom feeders, then I suggest getting 4 of those little buggers. If you've got other bottom feeders, you're pushing it - I have 2 bottomfeeders in my 20 gallon, and as active as they are, I can't imagine any happy cories in my tank.
ottos get about 1 inch and a half and mostly stick to the glass and our not scavengers, they feed of of diatoms and algue thus being useless for a clean up crew.
You could always go with snails as well. They do a great job but reproduce like crazy. Cories are a nice addition to a tank, one of my favorite bottom feeders.

Jeff :)
Another option for bottom feeders/scavengers to clean up left over food are ghost shrimp. they look really cool and are very cheap since they are really sold as feederd. I paid 29 cents each for mine. I have heard of places selling them at 10 for a dollar. And they really don't put any extra load on your bio system. Since they clean up excess food, they may actually reduce the load.
Jeff M said:
You could always go with snails as well. They do a great job but reproduce like crazy. Cories are a nice addition to a tank, one of my favorite bottom feeders.

Jeff :)

There ARE loaches small enough for a 20G. Im not sure of the scientific name. We call them tiger loaches here. THey have tiger stripes and top out at 3". Also burmese pygmy loaches top out at 2" but are expensive and rare.
Most loaches also prefer groups though. May be hard to find loaches small enough to be able to put at least 3 in the tank.
Khuli loaches would be another good option... personally, I prefer them over cories.
They had some loaches in the LFS the other day, i cant remember the name but in the description it mentioned worlds smallest loach? They looked cool, and active. What is its name? :blink:
Corys do not work well as scavengers and need to be fed in their own right with a sinking pellet food and live/frozen foods. As suggested Khulie loaches would be a good option as a bottom dwelling scavenger in a small tank.

They had some loaches in the LFS the other day, i cant remember the name but in the description it mentioned worlds smallest loach? They looked cool, and active. What is its name?

Botia sidthimunki is the worlds smallest loach with an adult size of just 5 1/2 centimeters.
CFC said:
Corys do not work well as scavengers and need to be fed in their own right with a sinking pellet food and live/frozen foods. As suggested Khulie loaches would be a good option as a bottom dwelling scavenger in a small tank.

They had some loaches in the LFS the other day, i cant remember the name but in the description it mentioned worlds smallest loach? They looked cool, and active. What is its name?

Botia sidthimunki is the worlds smallest loach with an adult size of just 5 1/2 centimeters.
Reading up on them now :D
Khulis :) I have 7 in my 15g, very cute to watch. They're quite shy though, so make sure theres plenty of hiding places.

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